I`m about to set up a self help discussion board about psychological problems where people with such kind of problems can interact with each other.
I want to gather at least 100 users in just one week.
So, I just want to ask if choosing a certain web hosting site will affect the increase of site users or I can just choose any?
Web hosting site for self help discussion board about psychological problems
As far as I believe choosing a web hosting company will not directly affect to the number of users of your site.
However there can be an indirect impact.
Because technical performance of your site is depends on your web hosting site.
Therefore prior to select the web hosting site to your web it is important to consider following things.
1. Price (If it is not a free hosting site)
2. Web space
3. FTP Access
4. File type & size limitation with regard to the uploading.
5. Reliability & speed of access.
(This is very important to attract the visitors. Because slow access & frequent down times can frustrate you visitors. Hence you need to select the very reliable & speedy hosting site)
6. Bandwidth Allotment / Traffic
(This mean how many number of times your web pages can be loaded by the visitors. This is too very important since this have very close relationship with the number of visitors to your site. Because if you are having a lower bandwidth, then once you exceed that limit per day (or month) the web host will disable your site.
Therefore you need consider all the above thing prior to choosing a web host & those are depends on what type of information (i.e pictures, graphics, videos, etc) you are going to publish in your site.