Website in multiple servers delivering to different countries
I have a website and now get huge traffic and wanted to expand my server but i was thinking better to have multiple servers delivering different countries rather than having one powerful server
What is this kind of system called and how can i setup?
What are the basic things i need to keep in mind
How will be data between servers replicate
Website in multiple servers delivering to different countries
The first and the finest way may be to do that on DNS level when you want to use the same domain name. One way may be to use a geolocation-aware domain name server.
However the much easier way is to redirect your user to permanently to a new web address for their location,
When your users accessing the old site at, lets your web application check their Accept-Language HTTP header (or their IP address) to find out their origin. Then respond with a HTTP status code 301 (Permanently Moved) with the new location, e.g.
Over time, the users will bookmark the new addresses or they are redirected automatically. That should not confuse them and you don't need to announce anything, since they don't have to change anything on their end.
You can use RAID system to replicate a data form one server to another