It’s my first time building a website, am getting a little problem with the size of the site, it cannot fill the whole screen, it only fills a third of the screen, I have used the default sizes but its still not filling the screen like it’s supposed to, another thing is how do I create background color to the pages and then create color on the whole site too “the outer colors of the website”
Website screen size adjustment, any ideas?
I am not a web programmer, but I was able to create my own mobile site through online reading and searching. Every time I acquire a little knowledge, I take down simple notes and save it on a file together with the command’s description.
I managed to create a file that contains all of the commands that I was able to find over the internet. I also entered a short description of the command so I would know what the command is for and how to use it.
With online searching and learning, I managed to learn how to create a simple javascript file [.js] that is used in HTML file as well as constructing basic and simple cascading style sheet file [.css] which adds effects or style to a webpage.
If you want to add a background color on your webpage, you may include this in your CSS file:
Just replace #f7f8c5 with your desired color in plain text [black, red, orange, etc.] You may also add width to define the width of your webpage:
body{background-color:#f7f8c5;width:size in pixel}
Enter the value in “size in pixel”. Just experiment on the size until you get the right width for your webpage. If you want to learn other commands or scripts used in creating a webpage, you may visit here.