Website using PHP and XAMMP

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

Why do I need to install a Xampp software if I will create a dynamic website using PHP as its language?

Best Answer by Hoting Gracia
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Answered By 5 points N/A #82795

Website using PHP and XAMMP


Hello buddy,

Generally PHP is an extraordinary language in which as it is said to use scripting language and the integration with PHP is done easily as it is not so tough to do like as many other languages used for the integration purpose.

The integration can be done mainly by using the JOOMLA CMS subsystem and the integration is done with PHP in the way that it is defined as the CMS system.
Oracle is used for storing the details of the users in the form of encrypted way so that no one other than the user can access the data of the specified user.
It is nothing but the query must be integrated with the PHP if the query matches with the oracle and integration is generally done using language PHP.
Thank You.


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