Weroam problem, too slow internet connection up to 384 kbps

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Everyone,

I would like to ask all  the expert here. I have a weroam device and i just wondering why it could not reach it's maximum bandwidth which they promise. The said it reach 1.6 mbps, but when i go to the province it will drop the speed down to 384 kbps, sometimes no internet connection. Any idea what happened?




Answered By 75 points N/A #114670

Weroam problem, too slow internet connection up to 384 kbps



Hi Vince,
Take note that weroam uses many types of signal the UMTS/HSDPA/HSPA technology if you want to access the maximum speed you should have this kind of signals, Weroam is the advance USB device easily detects signals coming from the TELCO transmitter in your area. If you only access below 300 kbps your using GPRS/EDGE signal most often if your in the city that's the time you can guarantee the fastest connection on your device for as long as theres no wall blocking the signal on your device. In the city where many enterconnecting signals due to many transmitter install in different areas, that's the reason why it's guarantee you can have a good signal comparing to the province which is too far from the transmitter, signal is limited only GPRS or EDGE you could only access up to 300 kbps.
Tony Stevenson

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