What is ACad Architects Stamp?

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Dear Experts,

What is this ACad Architects Stamp?

What's the purpose of Architects stamp?

Is this for security purposes only or there are some reasons about it?

Thank you for the clarifications.

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Answered By 0 points N/A #154180

What is ACad Architects Stamp?



Here you want to know about the Acad Architects Stamps.

An Acad Architects Stamps is a digital stamp which contain digital signature. The signature should embossed over it.

The purpose of Architects Stamps is if any one wants to use a digital stamps than it will be needed.

You can see its uses when you want to use it. 

Surely, it is for security purpose but not only for this reason it also use for digital use.

Thank you.

Answered By 5 points N/A #154181

What is ACad Architects Stamp?


Dear customer,

ACad Architects Stamp is a digital signature for architects.

This digital signature feature which on Auto-cad is called  "DIGITAL SIGNATURE", you can find it in the help menu or in your favorite web-browser.

The use of this signature is a matter of security in the first place, then it is essential for the official document.

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