What is the accurate excel calculation of salary?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


What is the accurate excel calculation of salary? I need a formula or a step by step process on how to come up total salary using Microsoft excel software application. An instruction is very relevant, all I need is to follow it properly. This is for my company. I need your help.

Thank you.

Deborah Hall.

Answered By 5 points N/A #175393

What is the accurate excel calculation of salary?


There are a lot of video tutorials for excel calculations, step by step. With this tutorials you can easily calculate total salary. I will give you some links with video tutorials, so you can choose what most fits at your requirements.

This tutorial will calculate salary based on relevant years worked:

Here you can calculate gross pay for week from time worked:

If you want something simple, calculating total salary for month based on the time worked:

Open a new excel document and make tables like this.

Column under January you fill with names and surnames of employees. Row from 1 to 31 is for how many hours they worked each day. In AH2 column set the function =SUM(C2:AG2) to calculate how many hours each employer worked. In AI column set value of their payment: 5 (if is 5 euros per hour). The last column is AJ and there set the function =AH2*AI2.

Hope you will find one of this tip useful.

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