What is the advantage of the Boeing phone if released?

What would be the advantages of releasing a Boeing Android phone as compared to other Android phones?

What would be the advantages of releasing a Boeing Android phone as compared to other Android phones?
Advantage of releasing BOEING Android Phones compared to other Android phone
As compared to other Android Phones that is just a typical phones were you can browse social media networks, using your WiFi, setting up a video chat, sending SMS and MMS, internet browsing, java application, and other features of a typical phones.
The advantage of BOEING Android Phones, knowing that it will be released by a well established contactor, secure android handset is certainly within their capability, as compared to other Android Phones this will be thinner, smaller and have more features and capabilities, surely BOEING will produced a super secure android handset and more superior quality as compared to other android phones.
Also BOEING Android Phones has more performance and features.
It is expected that BOEING Android Phones will have an intense security measures, including encryption, biometric process and physical lock.
Yes, it’s true that the aerospace giant Boeing is jumping into Smartphone business and is developing its first Android Smartphone device.
But I’m not sure if this will be made available to the public because its construction and development is intended for the United States Government Defense and Security market. They said that the new Android Smartphone will be offered at a much lower price compared to other competitors that sell secure phones for $20,000, but not so low that it can be considered as a mass-market product.
They said that the new Boeing Android Smartphone offers a high level of security than what is available in the commercial market today.
The company hasn’t still given any details about the product or its release.