What is all about phpbb web designing forums?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


Hello guys,

What is all about phpbb web designing forums? I am new in php programming language for I want to create a shopping cart project and I need to register to any php related forum to get some tips and ideas while working on my tasks and also to gain more knowledge in this field. I wish you can guide me through this. Thank you.

Best Answer by Whudson Audrey
Answered By 0 points N/A #175225

What is all about phpbb web designing forums?


PHP web designing forums deal only with some specific discussion as required by asker and perhaps most of the information is not helpful. If you want to learn php then it is better you should go through some php tutorial and learning sites. As for example www.w3school.com is good site that will teach you php in addition to other web design skills such html, css, java and so on.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #175226

What is all about phpbb web designing forums?


Hi, Deborah

phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin Motherboard application answer you can use to stay in feel with several grouped individuals or may power your complete site.

So it is a better site for you I think because they are at PR 7 So it will be useful since you are new. You can also see Since it one of the famous forums for tutorials HTML, PHP languages.

Wishing you all the best.

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