What is the alternative to fast copy in Mac OS X?

I have a new Macbook Pro Retina and I want to have a fast copy utility like TeraCopy in Windows. What is the alternative to fast copy in Mac OS X?

I have a new Macbook Pro Retina and I want to have a fast copy utility like TeraCopy in Windows. What is the alternative to fast copy in Mac OS X?
The best alternative of Teracopy is UltraCopy for Mac users.
 It holds more attributes than other copy software.
It is quicker than others with pause option when copying any file.
It also predicts inner as well as peripheral slips.
It provides complete information of the slips with possible suggestion for avoidance.
From your question I'm guessing you are Mac OS X user, it seems that you are very interested in knowing about the copy software for Mac OS X. So in this case I'm telling you to use CopytCatX software for your Mac OS X. It is much faster than Terecopy. You can get the proper benefits by using CopyCatX for your Mac OS X.
You can also use Ultracopy for your Mac OS X, but I think CopyCatX is the best.
Let me know what you think about this.
That’s right. TeraCopy is designed only for Microsoft Windows and works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 both 32-bit and 64-bit. For Macs, try the following alternatives:
Ultracopier – it is a free, open source application licensed under GPL3 and acts as a substitute for files copy dialogs. It features on-error resume, play/pause, error/collision management, speed limitation, and more. It supports Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. Go to Download Ultracopier to download.
Turbo Copy Pro – with Turbo Copy Pro, you can copy and paste files on OS X at turbo speeds. It has the following features that lack the basic copy and paste function on a Mac: added the Special XLogic support to further boost speed when copying to portable drive, alerts and allows a user to delete files to free up space if the portable disk is full.
When copying large files, it allows you to pause and resume the operation. To download, go to Turbo Copy Pro for Mac.
RapidCopy – this is the portable version of FastCopy version 2.11. It features high speed copying of files,, stable copy which ignores minor errors, it verifies checksum after copying, generates log file which includes the checksum result, supports Linear Tape File System or LTFS read and write, fastest LTFS checksum copy, and more. To download, go to RapidCopy on iTunes.
It requires OS X 10.7.5 Lion or higher with 64-bit processor.