What is Anchor text in web page link?

I am trying to learn about web page links. I can't understand what is Anchor text.
Dear expert can you clear me the concept.?

I am trying to learn about web page links. I can't understand what is Anchor text.
Dear expert can you clear me the concept.?
In a web page there will be lot of tags you can see out of which each tag has its own specification.
In a webpage all the tags will be embedded in <html></html> tags.
In between these tags you can see lot of things which you need to understand.
Basically an anchor tag is used to specify a link on a web page. You might have seen lot of links on a page. These links are actually embedded in between the anchor tage.
You can use this anchor tag in this way
<a href="link of page">Text to appear for link</a>
This is how an anchor tag looks.
Since web pages are now being converted to HTML5 from HTML 4.01, HTML tags now have different functions while some were no longer supported. For the HTML tag <a>, this defines a hyperlink and is supported in all major web browsers. A hyperlink is used to link one page to another or to point to a file that is offered for download.
The element “href” is the most important attribute of the tag <a>. The “href” element specifies the link’s destination. Remember, the following attributes can’t be used if the “href” element is missing: download, media, hreflang, rel, type, and target. The tag <a> in HTML 4.01 can be used either as an anchor or as a hyperlink.
But when it is applied in HTML5, the tag is always a hyperlink. But in case it doesn’t have the “href” attribute, it only becomes a placeholder for a hyperlink. Visit HTML <a> Tag for the list of attributes that you can use in <a> tag. Example of <a> tag:
For the HTML tag <!–…–>, this is used to add comments in the code. This tag is supported in all major web browsers. When this tag is used, the comment will generally not appear in the page when viewed in the web browser. You can use it to give details about the code or a portion of the code where the comment is inserted.
This is very useful especially when you are doing some editing on the page on later periods when modifying the page. You can also use it to disable some codes from being executed. See HTML Tag <!–…–> to learn the attributes that can be applied. Example of <!–…–> tag:
To learn more HTML tags, visit HTML Reference on HTML5 Compliant Tags.