What is Apple iPhone unlock method free ?

Hello ,
I have a question about iphone, i have apple iphone4s
it is lock mode there have any idea to unlocking method on free.?

Hello ,
I have a question about iphone, i have apple iphone4s
it is lock mode there have any idea to unlocking method on free.?
Hey Maandipak,
Connection to a wi fi is required, once your iphone is connected, Open the safari browser Then browse https://www.jailbreakme.com/ from your iPhone.
MAKE SURE, you have the iPhone firmware 4.0. No less than 3.1.3, and no more than 4.0
Go to Settings>General>Network and turn off 3G.
Once you are done jailbreaking, you should have ‘cydia’ downloaded and installed on your iPhone.
Now press the home button than select “cydia” from the panel which is downloaded.
OPEN cydia, type and search ‘ultrasn0w‘. If it shows that the ultrasn0w is version less than 1.0.1, You wont be able to unlock iPhone
So to UPGRADE, press the ‘Manage‘ button, press Sources>Edit>add.
Then type in repo666.ultrasn0w.com and Reboot/restart your iPhone.
now open CyDIA, search ultrasn0w and It should be 1.0.1 or higher now.
Press the install button to install ultrasn0w. and your iPhone will be fully unlocked
. However, if your iphone in the first place shows version 1.0.1(just press the install button to install ultrsn0w) no need to upgrade.
Best of luck
1. Use iPhone Unlock Free Software – The use of a free unlocking program was the preferred method to unlock mobile phones since the first Apple iPhone was unlocked in 2007. Since then, there has been a dozen or so versions of free software to unlock iphone by a handful of developers. These include the iphone dev team, george holtz(geohot), and the chronic dev team. Using these software programs on an iPhone has and always will be a risky process. This is either because they are so easy to mess up and use the wrong software versions, or because so many dishonest people have taken advantage of it and charged money for this free software that is usually outdated and unusable. The biggest ones that come to mind are the redsn0w unlock application, blackra1n jailbreaking, and yellowsn0w unlocking.
2. Use hardware such as Turbo Sim – One of the safer methods for iphone unlock 4.1 is the use of a piece that you slip over your iPhone sim card. The Gevey Supreme Pro Plus as it’s called, basically intercepts the connection between your phone and its sim card. By doing so, it is able to modify iphone firmware and particular baseband versions to connect to any GSM network signal. Best of all, you don’t need to do any iphone jailbreaking process to get it to work. It has been used in the past for iphone unlock 4.1 devices. The biggest negative is that it does NOT work for iphone 3G unlock 4.1 versions or iPhone 3GS 4.1 unlock applications either. It is limited to the iPhone 4 unfortunately, and the iPhone firmware version that it is compatible with makes it unusable for most cell phones. Also, the price of a real gevey Sim card is around $100.
3. Use Solution from iphone unlock software reviews – In a world of fake jailbreak websites and bad iphone unlock solutions, there are surprisingly a few(and we mean literally a few!) reliable and quality websites for iPhone Unlock 4.1. The best iphone unlocker program that we have found and tested is linked to from this website. We only recommend to our readers because we have personally tested it for how to unlock iphones!