URL’s of Google website on different countries

Hi All,
What are all the different Google URL's to search engines.? What I mean is
India = Google.com
I want to know all that they have.

Hi All,
What are all the different Google URL's to search engines.? What I mean is
India = Google.com
I want to know all that they have.
Google dot Com Addresses or URL in different countries
From that address for example you are looking for the local address of the Google Search engine if you are in Afghanistan. As you can see on the list of Afghanistan, there are 7 Domain Extensions for that country. We have the .af, .gov.af, .com.af, .org.af, .net.af and .edu.af where each domain extension assigned to Afghanistan only and separated by sectors like governments, education, network and organizations. We know that Google is in the .COM extension or domain; therefore, you will find the Google search engine in Afghanistan as www.google.com.af
Let’s get one another example based on the list of Country Domain Extensions which I have given you the URL above. Let’s try to find the URL Address of Google search engine in the Philippines. Just remember that Google is in commercial domain or the .COM domain extension. Philippines, commercial or business entity extension for the country is .COM.PH
This will conclude that the Google Search engine in the Philippines is addressed to be as www.google.com.ph
These are different for each country and it contains the last two or three words of country name at the end of the web address. As for the UK it is www.google.co.uk same will be the case for other countries.Â
You can find a list of all that search engines Here .
As in this web site it is shown that all countries have different search engines and have different languages. In Google one can search with his own language or through the international language as English so Google automatically re direst the host to his on destination as per his country in which he is using the service or with his language some want to search for.
But still one can use the UK link or any other link in some other country but the result in such case will be same as for country search. And for languages it will be the result of specific language one is searching for.
Dear Yongrak,
Google is a number one most popular search engine. Different country use Google with their extension last two or three words like:
For Bangladesh – https://www.google.com.bd/?gws_rd=ssl
For United Kingdom- https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl
For UAE –https://www.google.ae/?gws_rd=ssl
For Australia- https://www.google.com.au/?gws_rd=ssl
For New Zealand –https://www.google.co.nz/?gws_rd=ssl
For Pakistan- https://www.google.com.pk/?gws_rd=ssl
For India – https://www.google.co.in/?gws_rd=ssl
For Indonesia- https://www.google.co.id/?gws_rd=ssl