What are the best Windows 7 gadgets

I'm looking for some helpful, functional, or visually appealing Windows 7 gadgets?
Do you have any recommendations?
What are your favorites?

I'm looking for some helpful, functional, or visually appealing Windows 7 gadgets?
Do you have any recommendations?
What are your favorites?
There are several windows 7 gadgets that I can recommend for your desktop. These gadgets have different functionality and convenience in different ways. Â
All CPU Meter- this gadget can support up to eight cores. It has the ability to monitor you memory usage and also the CPUs. It puts large in formations into small space.
Windows Orb Clock- This is a cool model of a clock. It has a nice symmetry and a very clean look.
Clipboard Manager – This clipboard manager is rich in features. You can customize the desktops background, you can change the color and you can use a photo as a background as well. Here you can store maximum of 999 clips. It has the ability to prevent clips from being displayed.
Facebook Explorer- This gadget can run smoothly in smaller or larger widths. Here you can be configured how often you need updates. This can also give a more compact view of your status your friends’ activities.
Magic Folder- This gadget is good for those individuals who have thousands of files on his desktop and don’t have time to move in the right folders. Magic folder can do magic for you, just simply drag your files to the magic folder and it will examine the file extension and will automatically send it to the right folder.