What Are Common Wlanmgr.exe Error Messages?

What is a wlanmgr.exe error, and why does this generally occur? What are the common wlanmgr.exe error messages, and what are the causes of this error?

What is a wlanmgr.exe error, and why does this generally occur? What are the common wlanmgr.exe error messages, and what are the causes of this error?
It is an executable file usually referred to as a .exe file. It is a part of the driver which was developed by ASUS. In a lot of cases, executable files are terrible cause the turn out to be a Trojan or malware. Wlanmgr.exe error is frequently found in windows 7 and a further version of windows. When you click on the .exe file an application starts running in the background, but sometimes some unused code may be triggered which can be a virus, and this can harm your computer.
Some common wlanmgr.exe error messages are a wlanmgr.exe system error, wlanmgr.exe bad image, wlanmgr.exe runtime error, wlanmgr.exe application error. There is no specific time that you will receive this error; it can appear when you are closing the application or opening your computer. The wlanmgr.exe fallacy can be caused if the application which uses wlanmgr.exe is not installed accurately or wlanmgr.exe programs and folders are deleted by mistake if wlanmgr.exe is infected with a virus or worm can also cause this error.