What are “Dead Pixels” in Display unit of computer?

Hi. Dead pixels are basically those pixels in you LCD which are unable to display any colors at you screen appears to be like black spots at different point of your screen. As pixels are made up of some basic colors like red, blue and green, so whenever there is a dead pixel at your display it will not show any of these colors and appears to be black. There are other types of dead pixels as well mostly known as stuck pixel that may be appeared as bright green, bright red or bright blue spots at the background.
Its not always a case that these dead pixels will have any harm because in many cases these dead pixels go away on their own. Sometimes by pulling dead or stuck pixels at your screen with your finger and then letting it go and repeating this for a minute can bring back the dead pixels to live.
Dead pixels are those pixels that are not working inside your display. These happened only to those LCD or TFT monitors. Dead pixels are cause of some busted transistor inside your monitor circuit board. You will see that there are some areas or a little dot in your screen that does not changing and stays black or white. This can be seen when running a monitor tester or a dead pixel tester or utility application in your computer. This utility runs multiple colors in full screen mode so that you can see the dead pixels. Most of this utility are free to download from the internet.