I wanted to know the drawbacks of Metro UI and also the advantages as it is going to be one of the features of Windows 8. Please answer my question, explaining what it is, then the advantages and finally disadvantages.
What are the drawbacks of Metro UI ?
Metro UI as the name states is a user interface for the latest windows operating system named Windows 8. It is similar to a windows 7/8 phone, it has big blocks essentially representing various applications. Instead of a traditional desktop environment Microsoft came up with the Metro UI targeting the upcoming touch screen displays and trying to bring the same operating system for all portable communication devices you use like Tablets, laptops, desktops, phones etc.
As far as advantages go, it brought all the devices under the same umbrella making easy transitions between various devices as already mentioned above. It is also very effective for phones because touch screens aren't good at using small icons as metro UI has pretty big icons, it makes it easy for you to go to your favorite application.
The main disadvantage is the complication, traditionally windows used to be pretty straight forward and this new UI might prove to be costly because learning it isn't easy for all the classes, turning off your computer is not straight forward as it used to be in other Windows operating systems, you might find your metro UI is cluttered up with useless applications unless you configure it right.