What are Hash Tags mean in G+ or Twitters?
What are Hash Tags mean in G+ or Twitters?
Now a days i hear a lot on # Tags or Hash tags. What is this used for
Please help explain with examples
What are Hash Tags mean in G+ or Twitters?
Now a days i hear a lot on # Tags or Hash tags. What is this used for
Please help explain with examples
Hashtags are preceded by # symbol.
Hashtags in Twitter are used to focus on specified and categorized tweets. These hashtags in Twitter are written without space.
Hashtagged tweets are basically trending topics in Twitter.
We are advised not to over use hashtags in one tweets because it can make your tweet become difficult to read.
Example: I am very lazy today #holiday
Much like hashtags in Twitter.
Users use hashtags to generalize their topic.
Example: I'm really good at playing #football
Hi Mae, hash tag or putting # before a certain word or phrase (without space) is originally from twitter. They use hash tag to categorize their tweets; in that way it's easy to know the trending topics as of the moment. Trending topics are the ones that has been tweeted many times with the hash tag. Hash tagging is also available now in other social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Basically, it works the same with G+.