I have been using IDE Aptana in most of my work for reasons that it provides extra coding features. But now I am curious to switch to Dreamweaver CS4 and I am eager to get myself a copy of it. I would appreciate it very much if anybody using Dreamweaver CS4 can explain more about its new skin and features. My sincerest thanks.
What are the implications of Dreamweaver CS4 new features?
The features of Dreamweaver CS4 are given below:
1. Photoshop Smart Objects
It is connected with Photoshop PSD file and it is used to modify or alter the pages as image. It is from a single PSD file and used in lot of instances in web site. Each one can be modified and at the same time the connection will be remain with the original image.
2. New Spry Widgets
It is same as the title attribute but it is having the style sheet and JScript file and it can be customized.
3. Live View & Live Code
Using Live View button you can see the web page as it is in the web browser as well as you can interact with the JScript effects like mouse over etc.
Using Live Code button you can see the JScript and HTML codes and you can edit the codes and see the changes in the web page.
4. Code Navigator
This Code Navigator option, you can see it under view menu. You can see an icon like ship wheel. It helps to connect with the codes which are all linked to the page. You can edit the codes by pull it to the Dreamweaver window.
5. Property Panel > HTML/CSS button
If you want to select any element in the document window or any tag from the Tag Selector and you can select the properties you want see either HTML or CSS for the same element.
6. Vertical and Horizontal split view
In this Dreamweaver CS4 you can see both the code and design or only the code.
By clicking the split button and you can select vertical view to see the design and code(you can see the same horizontal split also). And if you make any changes in code and you can click the split of the design window to see the changes.