What are the physical layer devices in networking?

There are several network devices operated at the network layer. Those include repeater and hubs.
Repeater: Repeater is a main device which is used on the physical layer and it enlarge the size of the network. Also it extends the distance between end nodes.
Repeater consists of transmitter and receiver.
When a signal is received by the repeater, it amplifies the signal and then retransmits. This successfully enables the signal to travel over a greater distance.
But repeater is an out-dated technology.
Hub: Hub is the other device used at the physical layer. A hubcan be defined as a multiple port repeater.
A hub consists of 2 to 24 ports and may be called a workgroup hub. When data is received, the hub then retransmits that data out on all the other ports.
Thank You,
John Major.