What are the security and integrity threats to cloud computing?

I would like to know more about cloud computing security issues. Unlike in private data centers, are there specific security and integrity threats to cloud computing?

I would like to know more about cloud computing security issues. Unlike in private data centers, are there specific security and integrity threats to cloud computing?
Hi Aileen,
There are probably 7 top threats to Cloud computing integrity and security. They are listed as below:
·        Abuse on Cloud Computing – This would be because there are some providers that offers free trials and registration process that can be done in 5 minutes to those businesses that does not really understand the use of Cloud.
·        Insecure Interfaces – The interfaces that should be used on Cloud should be designed in a way that it can be spared from accidental and malicious attempts to bypass policy.
·        Malicious insiders – The level of access granted to each person with the provider organization can contribute to this threat.
·        Shared technology issues – As the services is shared by different organizations, the system may sometimes is not designed for this type of architecture.
·        Data loss or leakage – This risk becomes so big in cloud as there are a number of interactions with the cloud environment
·        Account or service hijacking – This is a very common problem not just in cloud. It becomes bigger as on cloud, there are more organizations that are affected.
·        Unknown risk profile – This risk is caused by the fact that the software and hardware in cloud is shared by multiple users.
You can find additional information here https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/topthreats/csathreats.v1.0.pdf
As all we know that cloud computing reduces the most of our costs in storing data but do you know it increase the chances to lack of security. There are several factors which have o be considered in it like- trust, elasticity, data security, and more. Please read more here that explains well about your question
Security Issues in Cloud Computing