What are some safe instant messaging programs?

Brosix Instant messenger gives users that extra level of security needed while chatting online.
What other instant messaging programs provide an extra level of safety?

Brosix Instant messenger gives users that extra level of security needed while chatting online.
What other instant messaging programs provide an extra level of safety?
We always know that when we install a messenger we must know first what kind of messenger we want to have. Instant messenger gives almost the same features. Sending and receiving messages, find and save contacts to a certain list, you can also prevent some people to connect to your messenger. Instant messaging highly offers higher quality of safety for the users. There is always the secrecy and confidentiality of instant messaging. You can make your status offline, busy etc. whatever you like to do on your status. The only thing that make you choose the other messenger is to what your friends and contacts is using in order to connect to them in instant messaging since compatibility for messaging is the most important. Oh safety Jabber is also available this has high private protection. It secures protection, automatic, unnoticed, and really not demanding modification.Â
Brosix is an easy to use, powerful, and secure instant messenger where all communications are protected using industry standard encryption method. It applies an advanced peer-to-peer technology making sure that your communication is routed directly between users. Sending files is also possible and also quicker because it compresses the data you send.
Brosix supports a wide range of platforms and devices which includes Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, and iOS devices such as iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. If you are running Microsoft Windows, it works on Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
For Microsoft Windows, it is available in native and portable versions. For the native installer, download and install Brosix for Windows. If you want the portable version, download and extract the ZIP file from Brosix for Windows Portable. For Mac users, download and install Brosix for Mac OS X.
If you want to use it on your Android device, download and install from Google Play: Brosix for Android. Or you can also download the actual APK file from the official website, Brosix for Android: APK. If you want to have it on your iOS device, it is available in iTunes: Brosix for iOS.
For Linux users, here are the different links for different distros:
Additionally, you can also use it with just your web browser and it requires no installation. Just visit Brosix Web Client with your web browser and start chatting.