We've decided to increase security by using automated key and certificate management. I've read that Entrust could be able to do that. Does anyone know if any entrust client mac installation would be possible? If yes, how do I install it with mac?
What are the Steps for Entrust Client Mac Installation
here i can only advise you to download it from the website http://softwaretopic.informer.com/entrust-mac-client/
It's currently available on Windows and Mac platforms. Entrust Authority 8.0 is the name of the program you actually need-nowadays it's a benchmark for digital identity and information security.
What are the Steps for Entrust Client Mac Installation
Dear Harvey,
You can certainly install Entrust SSL Certificates on your Mac OS X.
Please note that you may need help in installation of Entrust and therefore I am providing you steps to create CSR and install server certificate:
CSR Creation –
1. Go to Server Admin,
2. Select the server with services supporting SSL,
3. Click on Certificates,
4. Select the certificate that you need to sign,
5. Click on action,
6. Now choose “Generate CSR”,
7. Separate window will appear asking for Common Name, Organisation Unit, Organisation, Locality/City, State/Province and Country. Please fill up these details and
8. Click on save.
Installing SSL Certificate –
1. Go to Server Admin,
2. Click on Certificates,
3. Click “+”,
4. Select “Import a certificate identity”,
5. Now select these four files to import:
Root.crt and Chain.crt,
your_website_com.key (only if your CSR is created with open SSL),
6. Assign the SSL Certificate to the desired services i.e. for mail or web services.
To know more on installing Entrust please click on this link of Entrust official website – https://www.entrustdatacard.com/resource-center/installation/installation-help/ and see in the table installation steps are given for Mac OS X along with all other OS.