What Are The Repair Methods Of UTorrent Error 10060

What is uTorrent error 10060 and symptoms of this error? Due to which reasons this error causes and what are the repair methods of this error?

What is uTorrent error 10060 and symptoms of this error? Due to which reasons this error causes and what are the repair methods of this error?
The uTorrent error arises when the applications crash or fails to open. This type of error usually appears in your notification screen. There are not some early symptoms of this error, as it is a run time error. Run time errors are not predictable as they may appear at any time. You might sometimes experience an instant break in your internet connection. There are various reasons why this error has caused, such as incomplete and programs that are not compatible run at the same time; the infected driver also causes this type of error.
There are various methods in which you can fix these errors, such as: by closing conflicting programs, re-install libraries.