What Are The Various Reasons That Cause Windows To Update Error 800f020b

What are windows update error 800f020b, and what are the various reasons that cause this error? What can be the possible solutions for this error?

What are windows update error 800f020b, and what are the various reasons that cause this error? What can be the possible solutions for this error?
This error usually happens when you are working to install windows updates. This type of error usually occurs on windows version 7 and above. But nowadays it has happened on windows ten at a very high rate. Various reasons that what causes this mistake are: drivers are corrupted and infected, pocket media not connected which means that the device is not connected to PC so this will throw an error as it cannot find any materials, if the driver doesn’t exist is also one of the important reason why this error occurs because of the system to connected to the driver but the driver instance is only not present then this will cause an error.
Methods to fix this error are: