What Are The VCenter System Requirements?

I’m interested in using a VMware System for my institution. My institution does not desire to buy any new accessories if not necessary. I need to know about what are vCenter System requirements?

I’m interested in using a VMware System for my institution. My institution does not desire to buy any new accessories if not necessary. I need to know about what are vCenter System requirements?
vCenter System is a highly useful system for institutions. The vCenter System requirements are the following:
• You must use a minimum of 1G internet.
• The memory size of your machines should be 3GB, at least.
• For the database server, memory size is larger than common machines.
• The Microsoft Server 2008 (R2) is used for a lesser number of machines.
• A minimum of 2 GB empty disk space is requisite for host machines. The requirements of the Server machine are higher.