What are the uml modelling firewall rules? Is this a security purpose software? What is the use of this. Tell me more about this experts so that I will be able to have a stock knowledge and may use for the future. Thank you
What are the uml modelling firewall rules?
Hi Richard, UML or Unified Modeling language firewall modeling rules is a security software. There is a link that I will give you so that you can see the rules. It is a Microsoft Powerpoint97-2003 presentation , just open the link and the rules is explain clearly with diagrams on it. http://atlas.kennesaw.edu/~mvrooman/CS8422. That is firewall simulation_pps. Just click it.
Also, you have to know, the UML model and the diagram. it consist of two diagrams, the behavioral(dynamic) diagram and the structure(static) diagram. Behavioral diagram emphasize what must happen in the system being modeled because it illustrate the behavior of the system while the static diagram emphasize the things that must be present in the system being modeled.
Hope this help.