What are vbscript and JavaScript?

Hi pals,
What are Vbscript and JavaScript and what is their relation to visual basic and java programming?
waiting for an explanation. Thanks.

Hi pals,
What are Vbscript and JavaScript and what is their relation to visual basic and java programming?
waiting for an explanation. Thanks.
Vbscript is known as VISUAL BASIC SCRIPTING, it is used for  specific scripting language,  a scripting language that is a lightweight programming language, which was installed in all Windows desk top since Windows 98, and that can only be used by Windows browser. Vbscript is a sub set of visual basic,visual basic, is the main application programming format while vbscript is only specified command box.
JavaScript is  also a lightweight programming language, that can b used on all browsers, to make all web pages work in sync. In terms of java programming, java is a stand alone program while java script is used by a Html document. JavaScript is a rewritable and easy to program while java, once it is written it can be changed, but its a lengthy process.Â
JavaScript is a scripting language that is prototype based. It is a multi-paradigm language that supports object-oriented functional programming styles, and was originally known as LiveScript. Java in other hand is an Object Oriented Programming language. Many of their programming structures are similar, but JavaScript contains smaller and simpler set of commands. Main difference is that Java can stand on its own, while JavaScript must be placed inside an HTML document to work.
VBScript stands for Visual Basic Scripting Edition and it is an Active Scripting language that was developed by Microsoft and modeled on Visual Basic, but as a lightweight version for use in a variety of Microsoft environments. Difference between VBScript and Visual Basic are basically the same as between Java and JavaScript. One is a standalone, and other needs to be placed in HTML.