What is the ”backlog” in wireless networking?

Backlog is a familiar term in wireless networking.What is the work of backlog in wireless networking?
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Backlog is a familiar term in wireless networking.What is the work of backlog in wireless networking?
Provide instructions in detail to help me.
Hi Larry Bryant,
Backlog is used to term the way wireless networks transmits data in queues without any loss in information. In wireless network systems the data transmission between two or more devices occurs in first come first serve basis and only one computer is allowed to pass data packets at a time. For handling such traffic without any loss in transmission backlogs are maintained to log all the transmissions.
For example, consider data transmission between 4 computers where all of them transmits data continuously. To ensure that data transmits in queue basis backlogs are created and all transmissions are executed. Speed of transmission of data are so fast that it not possible for us to see the delay in queue traffic.
Hope this helps!!!