What is best java handset anti virus?

Dear Experts,
Please tell me what is Best java handset anti virus available on the net.
Is There any java web security needed for Mobile handset.
Thanks in Advanced

Dear Experts,
Please tell me what is Best java handset anti virus available on the net.
Is There any java web security needed for Mobile handset.
Thanks in Advanced
Dear Burris Ratliff,
There is no need to use web security because in java platform there is no chance to attacked by virus but you have to turn off your Bluetooth when you are not working because some harmful files can be affect your operating system.
You have to download your software songs or anything from secured site because if you don't do it from secured site your personal information can be affected by this kind of unprotected software or files.
Thank You.
Mobile phones are a little less prone to viruses. Not unless you will disable the Bluetooth feature on it. So if you wish to keep your phone protected from viruses, you can download the Kaspersky Java Antivirus software. Just download it to your computer and then transfer it on your mobile phone through the memory card or file transfer using a USB cable.
For your information, Java-enabled phones don’t require antivirus for security, only Android. If you are looking for an antivirus for your Android phone, there are free ones you can download on Google Play. Like for instance, Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus. It requires Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and higher. Among its features include:
Another great free antivirus you can try on your device is Avast Antivirus.