What is the best player for flv file in nokia?

What is the best player for flv file in Nokia?
I got my n70 Nokia mobile phone from a friend. I was not able to explore yet all the latest features that the mobile phone has.

What is the best player for flv file in Nokia?
I got my n70 Nokia mobile phone from a friend. I was not able to explore yet all the latest features that the mobile phone has.
Don't fret. There are a lot of software for Symbian OS which allows streaming of *.flv files.
You can also add extra decoders to allow streaming of the files using the default player.
Selecting the best flv player for your Nokia N70 takes 2 things into consideration: the functionality and the file size. I like the app flvplayer from http://www.freewaresymbian.net/, mainly because of its simplicity and the small file size (18kb). It does the work in playing flv files quite well, and does not take too much of your phone's resources.
I think you can use core player v 1.32 this will solve the problem.