What is the best of regular expression for excel PDF?

I need your help to find out what the best of regular expression for excel pdf is. Please, tell me in details.

I need your help to find out what the best of regular expression for excel pdf is. Please, tell me in details.
Hello Brenda Willey ,
Hope that my message finds you well.
For that you can follow the below steps:
– Enable the functionality of Regular Expression for excel from Tools the References.
– Check the option “Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5”.
– After that click OK and you will be able to start with Regular Expression.
– Now you can create your own functions.
– For more info about regular expression patterns follow the below URL:
Hope this solution will help.
Kind regards,
Hi Brenda Walley,
I’ve been search all over the best is this
Try to check this maybe this can help you.
http://ramblings.mcpher.com/Home/excelquirks/regular-expressions that link will teach what is expressions how to use it EXCEL. What is RegEX implementation and examples of RegEX.
How to test public functions and what are rules of RegEX. All your questions about expression will answer with that link.
Hopefully that links have a great help with your problem.