Hello Experts,
What is the best software for maps IMG viewer? There are some instances that we cannot get the right one to download but as long as it is related and kind a compatible with a map IMG viewer it will already do. I just need your help guys in guiding me along the process for I am not good in researching and other technical process.
Thank you.
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What is the best software for maps img viewer?
Have you tried to view using, GPSMapEdit. it is free ware software, you can download it from , geopainting.com
MapSetToolKit is another software you can grab it from https://sites.google.com/site/cypherman1/
What is the best software for maps img viewer?
Since you are looking for software to use on some map images, try these software I found and see if one of these will fit your needs.
GPS Map Viewer 1.8 – this software allows you to display routes, waypoints, and or tracks loaded from numerous file formats of maps. Supports map formats:
Garmin POI [comma delimited][csv];
Garmin Point of Interest [non encrypted only][gpi];
Navigon MN6/5/4 files [rte];
NMEA 0183 sentences files [nmea];
Route66 [comma delimited][csv] Navman [comma delimited][csv];
Google Earth KMZ and KML files;
Magellan MapSend [wpt, trk];
SUUNTO Data files [sdf];
Magellan POI [comma delimited][csv];
TomTom Navigator [ov2, itn];
Palm Address Book files [aba];
GPS exchange format [gpx];
iGO [comma delimited][asc];
The Library of Congress – American Memory – supports Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Mac OS X 9.x. Visit the site and then download the appropriate version for your computer’s operating system.