What is the best website for HTML 5 showcase? What is the difference of html to HTML 5 showcase. Tell me more about this guys so that I will be able to have a knowledge and it is very useful for my upcoming projects.
What is the best website for html5 showcase?
HTML is an abbreviation of Hyper Text Markup Language, it is the most common programming language used by web programmer online and can be accessed by most of the web browser to show content from the web site. HTML and HTML4 also another version of HTML developed by Tim Berners-Lee at 1990. Using HTML is really good for everyone who is new to the programming because it has very loose syntax used in it, this applied also to developers who is new.
I already mentioned loose syntax, what is that? It means the closing tags used is not a must most of the time. Example with this is the paragraph syntax, you don’t need to close any paragraph with </p> syntax, because for each new paragraph created, the old paragraph is closed automatically.
Talking about HTML5, it is currently still under development (Nowadays it gets famous day by day). The HTML5 give us new and important features that come as an answer to how user browse the internet now and the skyrocketing of user who use the mobile internet. Because HTML5 become more common, many developers might improvise and do lots of interesting things with a website. HTML5 comes with new tags, here is some of the new tags:
<!–…–> – Defines a comment.
<!DOCTYPE> – Defines the document type.
<a> – use to create a hyperlink.
<abbr> – Defines an abbreviation.
<acronym> – Defines an acronym and this tags not supported in HTML5.
<address> – Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document.
To get the complete list of tags in HTML5, you can go to HTML Reference – (HTML5 Compliant).