What is a Classic ASP Event Listener?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Good day TechyV IT experts! I was wondering about a word that has been a little bit trending. The word that I’ve been used to hear was “ Classic ASP Event Listener” . But sadly, I do not have any ideas or prior knowledge about this software. So experts, what is this Classic ASP Event Listener? What are the uses of it? Is it downloadable? Any comments would be appreciated. Thank you very much. Cooper Rmyles

Best Answer by Leona E Miller
Answered By 60 points N/A #171048

What is a Classic ASP Event Listener?


Hey Cooper,

The Classic ASP Event Listener is truly not a specific software but a framework that works very similar to ASP.NET . This framework is entirely Event driven and bundled with all the controls that you will always need like Text Box,Drop Down Box, Data List, Timers etc. The big advantage of this framework is it is very fast and coding can be done very fast.

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Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 40 points N/A #171049

What is a Classic ASP Event Listener?



Dear Cooper,

               You Want to Get Help Regarding “Classic ASP Event Listener” so do not worry about that I can help you about “Classic ASP Event Listener” . Basically we can not say  it is  software we can say that it is ASP.net version and the life cycle we can recommend for this is like framework and completely driven and bundled with all controls and it allows you to create your structure your ASP pages like completely similar to ASP.net and that is.

Hopefully This instruction will help you.

Leona E Miller

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