What could be the main specs of iPhone 5?

What could be the main specs of iphone 5 which will prove that iPhone 5 is better than SamSung Galaxy S3?

What could be the main specs of iphone 5 which will prove that iPhone 5 is better than SamSung Galaxy S3?
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Hello Brett Hatford,
That isa very interesting question. Well, thank you for that. Your asking if what is the edge of iphone 5 to samsung galaxy 3. Â Well here is the specifications of iphone 5. Try to take read it.
-It has a face recognition security.
-4G/LTE Support
-A new sleeker body design.
-OLED Screen
-Scratch proof and shatter proof screen
-Extended Battery Life
-SIM-Less phone
-Built-in GPS
Those that I mentioned are some of its specs and features