What is CVS and how do you deploy it on Windows?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Could you explain the concept behind CVS and the steps I need to take to install it on a Windows machine? Why is it good to use CVS in software development? What kind of projects will require the use of CVS? How can it be optimized to perform even more efficiently?

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Answered By points N/A #190420

What is CVS and how do you deploy it on Windows?



CVS (Concurrent Version System) is a “version control system” that allows you record the history of your source files of any program. It’s useful for bug detection. It stores all the versions of any file into one single file cleverly, allowing you find out the new bug that came inside your newly coded application.

Fortunately, Windows is the most popular OS and so, most of the programs are available on this platform. You can also get CVS on your system. You can use Tortoise CVS. It’s GUI based, and easy to use. Download Tortoise CVS. Run the EXE file and install it on your system.

You can use CVS in any of your project. Thus, you can keep track of your coding and debug your programs easily.

Answered By 0 points N/A #190422

What is CVS and how do you deploy it on Windows?


Hello there,

CVS is a type of control system that you can use to track the changes of your source files.

If a group of people is working on the same project, You can use it to insulate the different developers from each other since every developer will be working in his own directory.



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