Importance of Definition List on a web page

What is the Definition list? How does it work? Where does it use?
Please tell me about details. Is Definition list important to web page?

What is the Definition list? How does it work? Where does it use?
Please tell me about details. Is Definition list important to web page?
A definition list is very old code in html language. It is used for to define something in web page.
Definition list has three elements those are <dl>, <dt> and <dd>.
<dt>Data </dt>
<dd>Unorganized and collect from various sources</dd>
<dt>Information (v)</dt>
<dd>It is a data which have been organized and processed to provide meaning to a user</dd>
There you can show your any terms definition properly.
Brayen Jones, that is a good question you have asked and I will be more than glad to help you in it. The definition list is the list of the specific terms and their corresponding definitions. They are mostly formatted with the term on the left with the definition following on the right.
The opening list tag in a header has an opening header and a closing header such as; <tr></tr>
There are other definition lists such as <dd></dd> This is used to write up markup languages
They need to have an opening and closing margin usually.
The definition list is usually very important to a webpage because they define the webpage.
I hope this solves your query