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0 points
Posted on - 08/11/2011
I have a Core i3 processor. In my task manager under performance tab, it shows thread 566 and the process is 52. I think process is the program which is currently running but I don't know about thread .
Can any one clear me this two thing?
What is the difference between Process vs Thread
Hi Maicle,
There is a huge difference between these two and it is described in a bulleted form below to fix your problem:
Basically threads and processes posses their liberalization for execution.
Threads are supported by shared memory while processes are with separate space of memory.
Thread is a child of processes means that processes is a big part and may be consist of many threads. So processes are the parent for threads.
Processes have their own addresses and threads do not have its own but it share their address by processes.
Processes possess a part which is their own for data segments while for the segmentation of data there is a link of threads with processes.
Linkage between two threads id direct where as processes must have inter communication process for the linkage with others.
For making new process there is a need of a previous copy while there is no any copy or duplication required to making up a new thread.
Processes have command on their lower level processes only while threads have overall commands on each other no doubt its parent or a child.
Answered By
0 points
What is the difference between Process vs Thread
Each and every process has provides you the resources which you require to execute some of your program. A process must have an address space which is virtual and have a code which is executable, to check that:
open the handles in system objects
security content
Identifier of unique process
Variables of environment
priority class
Working the set sizes.
Every process has at least a single thread, but we can also create additional threads.
Thread is the part of process which can be modified for execution. Every threads in a process has to share the virtual address space and other functions. The thread context has the kernel stack, and other relevant tasks.