What is the difference in career scope for a computer science engineer

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

What is the difference in career scope for a computer science engineer vs an information technology engineer?

Best Answer by Ealdwine
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Answered By 10 points N/A #89608

What is the difference in career scope for a computer science engineer



I am an Engineer and I know something about the field you asked.  So read the following paragraph attentively  then you will get your question's  answer.

Computer Science is the most interesting field where Mathematics as well Information theory is used today for developing new ideas and designing of computing system which are of course necessary to the present world. 

So you can develop your career as a computer science engineer. On the other hand 'Information Technology' is practical engineering discipline that implements solutions to practical problems using present technology.

It develops new communication models through the world where you can develop your career.

Hope this helps.

Answered By 0 points N/A #89610

What is the difference in career scope for a computer science engineer


When we say career scope we are referring it as standardized and time aptitude assessment for career guidance.

Since you are asking about the career scope for a Computer Science Engineer versus Information Technology Engineer then lets define first computer science and information technology.

Computer Science is all about the study of theoretical foundations of information and computation using a practical techniques for their implementation and application to the computer systems.

While, Information Technology used to be known as a collection of tools that make it easier to use,create,manage and exchange information.

It is also the acquisition,processing,storage,and dissemination of vocal,pictorial.textual and numerical information  by a microelectronics. It includes the combination of computing and telecommunications.

In other words, Computer Science Engineer 's career scope deals on hardware, software and web developing and Information Technology Engineer's career scope deals on telecommunication or communication skills.

For the full information try to check it on

Informational article about IT and Math jobs.




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