What basically is the difference between an SSIS rar files to a regular rar file?
And is there something peculiar about unzipping or zipping rar files with SSIS?
Please someone help me with this simple matter,
Thank you!
What is the difference of SSIS rar files to regular rar file?
Hi Leigh Slayton
Hope you are fine.
Thanks for posting your problem here.Regular Rar file achiever is best and its important can not be degraded or malfunctioned.As far as SSIS rar file achiever matter concerns, actually it is implemented when you are working on SQL server or database related program. For example, if you want retrieve the file from FTP server or any other server to you SQL database, then there will be  a need of some extracting media for files, which can extract the true files so our SSIS in SQL do this for us.
That's it.
Hope it will work for you.