What To Do If HP Laptop Battery Is Not Charging.

Hi. I bought a laptop 3 years ago. Everything was working fine till last week when, out of the blue, it stopped charging. What do I do since my HP laptop battery is not charging?

Hi. I bought a laptop 3 years ago. Everything was working fine till last week when, out of the blue, it stopped charging. What do I do since my HP laptop battery is not charging?
With time, the capacity of the battery decreases. It depends on the product, usage, care, etc. To ensure that the issue is with the battery, remove the battery from the laptop and plug the adapter into the laptop. Turn it on. If your laptop starts, the problem is with the battery. Troubleshooting:
1. Remove the battery from the back and ensure that all the pins in it are intact.
2. Remove the power cable.
3. Now, insert the battery back into the case and plug the adapter.
4. Let it charge for 15 to 20 minutes.
5. Unplug the power cable and switch on the laptop.
If your notebook turns on, then your battery is working and you can check its health using the HP Battery Check.