I have installed iLivid on my system and it works fine. The download speed is also good but I have a great problem yet. Whenever there is a power breakout, the download fails, no matter if it has reached even 100%. After reboot, the download restarts. This problem mainly exists while downloading videos. How can I fix iLivid to work properly?
What to do when download crashes on iLivid?
There are many download manager in which if the downloading is stopped it will restart from the beginning. It is due to the technology they are using to download the file. You will not be able to restart the download from where it stopped in iLivid. While you are downloading any file in iLivid be careful every time. Do not interrupt the downloading for the iLivid in any way. It’s not about the video. Whatever you will download you must be careful that you are not interrupting ILivid downloading process. You can try some other download manager instead in which resume facility is available. Internet download manager has the resume facility, but it’s not a free download manager.