What Does The Microsoft Project Planner Do?

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I am a Windows fan. I like all the Microsoft products and software. I wanted to know more about the Microsoft Project Planner. What is it used for? What are its applications?

Answered By 0 points N/A #294426

What Does The Microsoft Project Planner Do?


The Microsoft Project Planner also called the Microsoft Project is a software developed by Microsoft Inc. to assist it project development. It is helpful for project managers to develop the strategy, track progress, assign resources, analyse workloads and manage the budget. The project is store on the computer’s hard drive in .mpp (proprietary file) format.

Image result for Microsoft Project pricing

There are a lot of features and applications of the Microsoft Project Manager.

  1. Interoperability
  2. User-controlled scheduling
  3. Timeline
  4. Inactive tasks
  5. Sharepoint list Synchronisation
  6. Teamview planner

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