What Does Windows Update Error 80242006 Mean?

I have windows 8, and when I tried to install the recent update I got an error stating windows update error 80242006 what does this mean? How can I fix this error on my computer?

I have windows 8, and when I tried to install the recent update I got an error stating windows update error 80242006 what does this mean? How can I fix this error on my computer?
This is a very general error which is caused usually by a lot of computers. This code is used by windows and windows compatible devices, software, and drivers. This error may occur when there is a conflict of security or any corrupted files in the system. Windows update error 80242006 is caused by damaged software files. Incomplete installations or problems in the hard drive are also a significant reason why this error occurs. It can also be produced by viruses or malware which poison the file system. All these corrupted files in your system may damage your computer.
You can correct this failure in two modes:
1. Manual update: Log into your PC as an administrator, go to system tools and then system restore.
Select Recover my computer to more initial time and continue. Select the most recent update and confirm.
2. Completely automated: Download 80242006 repair utility from its official site, install the program, and start scanning. Once done, restart the computer.
You can even troubleshoot your system to find any infected material on your computer. Troubleshooting can also solve your problem.