Asked By
james hayes
0 points
Posted on - 11/29/2011
What is Eclipse plugin Property Page? And also, is it possible to view the changes made in the property page with another property page without having to close and re-open the Properties? If so, how can I perform it?
What is Eclipse Plugin Property Page?
Eclipse plugin properties are basically used to allocate further information to resources and objects. This extra information might be anything, and there are two methods to get to the resource property. There is no any other way that can be applied to check for the changes made in the property page by another property page without first closing and re-open the Properties.
Eclipse presents IResourceChangeListener which is used to maintain track of resource changes that occur in the workspace. Eclipse creates resource change events showing that the files and folders that were added, customized, and detached from the workspace. Concerned parties can pledge to these events and take the required action.