The computer virus is a new concern for computer users that has appeared in the last decade. Some people have found a way to create computer programs that silently replicate themselves on storage media without the computer user realizing it. What is exactly a computer virus, and how to prevent or cure it?
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What is exactly a computer virus, and how to prevent it?
A computer virus may cause a program to operate imperfectly or damage a computers memory. Mostly a computer virus will transmit from computer to computer whenever infected files are approved, like thru e-mail attachments. Several times you know and trust the email sender, but even they have no idea they are sending along an attachment with a computer virus.
Make sure that your operating system is up-to-date. Make sure to install the latest antivirus software and be sure to download updates when they emerge. It also is a good idea to install a firewall for extra security and protection. Instant Messenger can carry viruses, Trojan horses, and worms. Don't send files over IM and don't open attachments or click on Web links sent by someone you don't know.
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0 points
What is exactly a computer virus, and how to prevent it?
A computer virus is a program that is meant particularly to damage other programs or cause irregular behavior in a computer. A virus can be able to reproduce its own code and attach itself to other executable files hence spreading from one computer to another.
A virus can spread either through a network where users view files from other computers or through carrying of storage media from one computer to another. This include flash disks, Floppy disks etc.
It can be prevented by installation of antiviruses such as NORTON, KASPERSKY, AVIRA and many others and this antiviruses can help in trapping malicious programs and files to be cleaned or deleted before they infect your computer.
The viruses can also be prevented by performing regular scan of the computer and scanning of any external storage devices such as flash disks before use.
By Lydiah
Hope this helps.
What is exactly a computer virus, and how to prevent it?
Viruses are mall programs that spread from one computer to another computer and they interact with computer operations. They can corrupt, delete or misconfigure some data at the computer. They spread very quickly over internet. They are sometimes even attached with the emails.
They can cause window startup failure, delete a file, cause error when you try to open a file or damage your hard drive. To prevent the virus to attack our computer we use software which is called Antivirus software. It tries to prevent the virus. For good performance antivirus should be update regularly so that it can get updates about new threats.
What is exactly a computer virus, and how to prevent it?
Hi Charles,
Computer virus is nothing but a program created by human being itself. These viruses can cause terrible problems and destruction to your PC. Though there are different types of viruses limited to certain dangerous activities, if not removed and cleaned on time they may sometimes damage your hardware as well as various components of your computer.
Therefore the first thing you need to do in order to get rid of them is to install an effective Anti Virus Program, and then update it regularly also if you surf Internet daily don't forget to scan your system once in a day.
If you are using OS of Microsoft Windows then do configure your Windows so that it can prevent computer viruses whenever they try to enter in.
What is exactly a computer virus, and how to prevent it?
A computer virus is a computer program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability.
Have you heard of this new computer virus called Duqu? The computer malware Stuxnet has been tough for many computer experts to determine. In 2010, it infected nuclear control systems in Iran. Industrial control computers in Europe have been infected with a brand new malware.
The Duqu virus doesn't appear to have direct influence, but mines for information that could be used for further attacks.
This Duqu virus uses Stuxnet DNA to mine industrial data. Researchers were able to theorized that this virus is made to download information that can be further use to create nothing but destructive effects.