What exactly is RAM and its function ?

RAM stands for Random Access memory. RAM is very useful to improve the performance of your system. Based on the number of applications that are being installed in your computer, the more memory it uses, to run the application.
Here you may get the question as to, "I am having a huge hard disk. Why should the RAM be used again?" It's a very good question. Hard disk is only for storage of all your programs, where as RAM is used for running those programs. So huger the RAM, the more faster is your system.
For Ex: If you are having 128 MB RAM and watching a movie in a Windows Media Player, the actual process here under is, for every bucket of time system gets the movie data from the hard disk; say like 100 MB of movie data is retrieved and given to the player for every 2 seconds. It continues for every 2 seconds, hence input/output rate of CPU increases, resulting in high CPU utilization.
Suppose, you are having a 2 GB RAM, then I/O rate will be less resulting from low CPU utilization and hence a faster system and high performance.
Even if you open any other programs also the RAM memory will be ample, to watch the movie, play games, listen to songs use internet etc. I hope you got the answer.
There are many advantages to have and increase the RAM. Read RAM Wikipedia for more information.
Hey Mr. Mithun,
It is very basic knowledge question and one who doesn’t know about it must have an idea about RAM which is very major part either you are purchasing computer or using any kind of applications. There is a lot to write about RAM but I am going to give a short tutorial.
RAM stands for “Random Access Memory”. It works till system is in on state. As soon as system is shut down RAM becomes empty. Basically whenever any application is started it is loaded in RAM and keeps on moving from in between processor and storage drive. The application stays in RAM till it is under process. That’s why we need high capacity RAM for big applications.
RAM is Random Access Memory. This type of memory is volatile, which means the data stored are erased when power is turned off.