What is FBML or FaceBook Markup Language?

What exactly is FBML- facebook markup language and how does it work? Can you show me some examples of FBML codes? Where can I put those codes to test if they are working?

What exactly is FBML- facebook markup language and how does it work? Can you show me some examples of FBML codes? Where can I put those codes to test if they are working?
Hello Ava White,
FBML or Facebook Markup Language is a tool used to create facebook application. It also allows you to customize fan page using basic html commands. For instance you wanted to include a multimedia like a picture, video or an object on your fan page; you can utilize fbml for this. An example of html command in adding a video is <fb:flv src='http://www.yoursite.com/video-gallery/video.flv' />. You can also add a profile picture on your static fbml page by using this code <fb:profile-pic uid="12345" size="normal" width="400" />. Just substitute uid with your user id. However it is announced by facebook that they will be turning off all FBML on June 01, 2012 in favor to iFrames application. The new application is said to be easier to learn or you could use IFrame generator.
Atanasosk Pelayo
FBML is a subset of HTML. But the use of FBML has been removed. If you are planning to make an application on www.facebook.com, you can only use HTML, JavaScript and CSS. But you can still implement JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins that you can embed and is available in FBML. Last March, there is a statement that after phasing out FBML, it will be transitioned to iFrames.