What is flash sandboxing in chrome

I wanted to know what exactly is sandboxing in chrome. I have seen some where during my regular surfing that google has improved some flash boxing for chrome to support windows. What exactly it means?

I wanted to know what exactly is sandboxing in chrome. I have seen some where during my regular surfing that google has improved some flash boxing for chrome to support windows. What exactly it means?
Google has improved Flash sandboxing in the latest version of its Chrome browser for Windows, boosting its security and reducing crashes by as much as 20 percent.
The changes also means Windows 8 users will be able to use all of a web site's Flash features in the mode formerly known as Metro.
By sandboxing Flash, a plug-in can crash without taking down the rest of the browser. Sandboxing was introduced in early version of Chrome to prevent rogue tabs from causing such total browser crashes, and anti-malware measure.
Google ported Flash off the aging NPAPI architecture which it describes as "a thin layer of glue between the web browser and a native application" and onto its own sandboxed platform, PPAPI.
In Chromium, security is the most important aspect and to do this, the secret is to understand. You can only actually protect a system if you completely understand its behaviors with regards to the combination of all possible inputs in all possible states.
With sandboxing, it leverages the security provided by the operating system by allowing code execution that cannot access confidential information or create persistent changes to the computer. The precise guarantees and platform that sandbox provide depends on the operating system. The sandbox is a C++ library that permits the creation of “sandboxed processes”, processes that run within a very limited environment.
The only resources these processes can use freely are the memory and CPU cycles. One example is writing to disk, sandboxed processes cannot or not allowed to write to disk or display their own windows. An explicit policy is the one controlling what these processes can really do.